Picadilly Essential Notebook

Bullet Journal Notebook Review

Key Features:

  • Key Features: tried and true notebook brand that’s been around forever
  • Size: 8.3″ x 5.1″  |  206mm x 127mm
  • Cover:  hard  |  17+ color options
  • Binding:  sewn
  • Pages: 240
  • Page styles available:  lined  |  squared  |  blank
  • Paper Quality: 80gsm
  • Ghosting?  Yes, heavy ghosting
  • Bleeding?  Yes, heavy bleed through
  • Feathering? No

My Review:

There’s always this discount bookstore at the outlet mall and they seem to have a whole section of Picadilly notebooks – that’s where I picked up my copy. This brand has been around forever and I remember it from my teen years (which was only about 3 years ago, right?). The footprint of this notebook is narrower than a true A5 notebook so you’ve got less space to write, but it seems more portable than some of the others. I like that the lines are narrow and the ink of the lines isn’t too dark so it feels good to write on the pages. There must be a coating on the paper because even the heaviest of inks doesn’t feather on the page. If you’re looking for something that has a small form factor and works fine with lightweight pens (like the Sharpie Pen or ballpoint ink) this is a great option.

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