April 2024
30 Days of Journaling Challenge
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Each day I will send a new journaling prompt based on this month’s theme. It will guide you in your journaling session and help you get words on the page. Registration is free… no strings attached!
This is all about a community of stationery nerds who love to journal! Let’s create a new daily journaling habit together.
APRIL journaling Theme
& Grow
This month’s theme is about exploring various areas of your life and how small changes can make a big difference.
Together in April, we’ll work through a 30-day exploration of small changes in your personal life can help you grow in big ways. You’ll use your journal to write about habits, passions, and activities and set goals for continued action.
Guided Prompts + journaling
- The journaling part of this challenge is meant to be done in a journal. That “journal” might be digital or physical, but I recommend setting aside a specific journal for this project so all the pages can be kept together.
- Many of the guided prompts in this challenge will ask you to take action in some small way. It might be making a phone call or playing with art supplies or digging through an old photo album, so be prepared for an interactive challenge.
What to Expect in your Email Inbox Every Day:
You’ll receive 30 daily prompts in your email inbox. Even though this journaling challenge is called “30 Days of Journaling,” and you’ll get a new prompt each day, don’t feel obligated to keep pace with the prompts. It’s 30 days… but those days don’t need to be all in a row. You’re never behind! Begin where you are each day.
Looking for the main 30 Days of Journaling landing page?
APRIL Prompts List
30 Daily Prompts
Don’t worry… the full list of prompts will be here on the website for your reference!
Just open each tab below to see the day you missed.
What do you believe in?
Deep down in the innermost core of your being… what do you believe in? What keeps you going each day and gets you out of bed every morning?
Take time today to journal about those beliefs.
- List as many as you can think of and write a little bit about each belief.
- Why do you believe in those things?
- Why are they important to you?
- How do those beliefs guide your life?
Do you have others in your life who share the core values you hold dear? List the people you can lean on and what makes them part of your belief system.
From the list you’ve created, put a star next to the one item that is the most important. Why is that one at the top of the list? What would you give up for that belief? How does being so strong in that area of your life make you feel?
What commitment do you want to make to yourself?
Don’t think about the small changes you need to make. Today I want you to think about the commitments (promises, decisions, pledges) do you want to make to yourself?
What goal do you want to achieve related to your personal growth? Think about the end, not all the steps it will take to get there (we’ll tackle those steps another day).
For instance:
- If your goal is to lose weight, then your commitment might be “I commit to being a healthy person with healthy habits.”
If your goal is to get out of debt, then your commitment might be “I commit to being responsible and wise with my finances.“
If your goal is to be more patient and kind toward the people in your life, then your commitment might be “I commit to being grateful for the people around me.“
These are just a few examples. Choose the ONE commitment you want to focus on this month. Think about your end goal and what your long-term commitment would be to reflect the life you will have once you achieve that goal.
What words do you associate with yourself?
Make a list of all the words you can think of that you associate with yourself. Don’t edit yourself when you’re writing the list… just add whatever comes to mind. Good words. Bad words. Neutral words. Put them all on the list.
Some categories of words you might want to think of include:
- Your role in your family or friend circle
- Your role at your job, place of worship, or volunteer organization
- What you say when you look in the mirror
- Words you use when you step on the scale, jump on the treadmill or indulge in a decadent dessert
- Words you use when you’ve done something amazing
- How your friends might describe your personality
- Words your children use to describe you
- The running commentary in your brain – self-talk
Once you make the list, go through and choose 3 or 4 of those words and put a star next to it. Choose a couple of good words and a couple of words that you’re not so proud of.
Then, go to the dictionary website and write down the official definition for those words. How do those definitions compare to the meaning you thought of when you first wrote down that word on your list?
Do you plan for the future or just wing it?
Are you a planner, or do you like to fly by the seat of your pants throughout your day? Does everything need to be laid out in a neat plan so you know exactly which step to take next…. or does this level of rigid planning make you feel boxed in and anxious?
Spontaneity is either something you love or hate (at least, that’s what I’ve discovered in people I’ve met over the years). Which side of the fence are you?
When you go on vacation, do you need to have every detail planned – travel route, planned stops, meals, sightseeing schedule all written down? Or do you hop in the car and head in the general direction of your destination and figure it out as you go? Or some level of planning between the two extremes.
When you set goals, do you think of long-term goals that extend well into the future (1, 5, or 10 years)? Or do you only focus on goals that will get you through the next month or two?
Journal about the type of planner you are and how that affects various areas of your life. Do you like this about yourself? Do you have areas you want to change related to future planning?
What is your biggest fear of the future?
For today’s journaling prompt, you can choose to focus on the immediate future and what you have planned for 2024, including summer vacation, holiday celebrations, or special projects you’re working on. Or you might look much further into the future and think about your goals for the next 5, 10, or 15 years.
We’re focusing on fear today, but you might choose to think about worries or anxieties related to the questions below.
- What scares you?
- What fears are holding you back?
- Do you let those fears dictate your daily actions?
- Do you have a plan to overcome those fears?
Who have you shared these fears with, and were they sympathetic or dismissive when you confided in them? Are your fears holding you back?
Many times, it’s therapeutic to write down our innermost fears and worries. Your journal is the best therapist you have in the privacy of your own home – use it to pour out your heart and confide in the page. Your journal won’t judge you. It’s a safe place to write whatever you need to get off your chest.
Where do you lack clarity in your life?
Is there something that keeps you up at night because you’re having trouble making a decision? Is there an area of your life where you struggle to make the next move because you’re not sure what to do next? Some examples might be:
- Schooling or Career
- Family & Friends
- Health & Fitness
- Hobbies or leisure activities
Do you know which way to turn, but you’re still trying to convince your heart that the way is clear?
Clarity is the most important thing. If you are not clear, nothing is going to happen. You have to be clear. Then, you have to be confident about your vision. After that, you just have to put in a lot of work. ~Diane Von Furstenberg
Spend time today journaling about which areas of your life you want clarity on. Be specific. It doesn’t need to be anything huge. Remember, this month’s theme is all about small changes. Once you’re clear on the direction, then it’s all about trusting that clarity and moving in the direction of your goal.
What changes have you made in the last five years?
Where were you, and what were you doing five years ago? (Check your old planners if you need to refresh your memory.) What kind of person were you, and what were your hobbies, beliefs, habits, family life, and workdays like? How have those things changed?
What deliberate changes were you making five years ago? What new habits did you begin that are still with you now?
As the saying goes – the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is today. So think about what you were doing five years ago (or go further back in your memory, if you want to) and write about the difference those actions have made in your life over the years.
Is there a character trait in other people that annoys you?
No matter how hard you try to be patient and loving, there’s probably one thing about other people that drives you mad. No judgment here! It is something we all deal with.
Maybe it’s a pet peeve and just a tiny annoyance, or maybe it’s something that really gets your blood boiling. It could be something as simple as the way someone chews their food or it could be as massive as talking during a movie (gasp!) or always being late to events with family and friends. Some examples are being arrogant, loud, messy, or talking too close.
Spend some time today journaling about that one character “flaw” in other people. I put that term in quotes because it might not be a flaw at all. It might just be a character trait many people have, and most people don’t have a problem with it. But for some reason, it just grates on your nerves, and it’s time to get those feelings down on paper.
Today’s journaling session isn’t just a chance to complain about other people. Once you’ve aired your emotions about that question, I want you to turn it around and take a close look at yourself.
Is there something that you do that might annoy other people? Has anyone ever pointed it out to you before? Have you had arguments with loved ones or acquaintances about it? Have you ever taken the time to really examine that issue to determine if you need to make changes and grow through the experience of having others get annoyed with something that is part of your character?
How do you deal with anger?
Do you have a temper? Or a short fuse? When you get to the end of your patience, do the people around you know to stay away because your anger is explosive and there is nothing to trifle with?
How often do you lose your temper? How long do you hold on to that anger? Are you one who gets angry, blows off steam, and the issue is over? Or do you hold a grudge and let the anger simmer for days?
Describe the person you are when you’re angry. How do you feel about those emotions? Are there better ways to handle these heated moments? We all get angry, and there’s no getting around to the fact that sometimes we just reach this point. But how we handle those moments speaks volumes about our type of person.
How could you handle your anger emotions better? If you’re struggling to come up with tactics for managing your anger and strong emotions, do a Google search for “managing my own anger” and read through some of the medical advice from Mayo Clinic or Health Line. Both have great suggestions.
DAY 10
Are you having a conflict between your head and heart?
Is there a decision you need to make or an activity in your life you’re struggling with? Something your head knows is “right,” but your heart tells you otherwise. Something your head says you should be doing, but your heart just isn’t in it.
Maybe it’s a secure job that provides for your family, but you dread going to work every day. Or maybe it’s a person you spend time with that you feel obligated to be nice to, but you know in your heart that you need to distance yourself from the relationship.
Spend time today journaling about that conflict and how you found yourself in this situation. How often do you listen to your head? How often does your heart win when making decisions?
Do you want to change how you make decisions, live your life, set goals, or interact with others? What small changes can you make that will help you move in the right direction and follow your heart?
DAY 11
What sources of stress can you cut from your life?
Stress is more than just an emotional response to situations in your life. Chronic Stress comes with a whole set of physical reactions that can become serious medical problems if left unchecked.
Chronic Stress puts you at increased risk of many health problems, including:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Digestive problems
- Headaches
- Heart disease
- Sleep problems
- Weight gain
- Memory and concentration impairment
Source: Mayo Clinic
What sources of stress can you begin eliminating today? How can you implement one small change you repeat daily to help you lower your stress levels?
Maybe it’s as simple as going to bed 30 minutes earlier to get more quality sleep. Maybe it’s eliminating a certain type of food (excess caffeine or sugar, for instance). Maybe it’s distancing yourself from a toxic relationship or leaning into a person who brings positivity to your life. Maybe it’s letting go of worries that you truly don’t have control over, such as stressors at your job or in your friend circle.
Write about the sources in your life that are causing stress. Make a list of everything you can think of. Then, choose one thing from that list and start to make a plan for how you can minimize that stress today. Create an action plan.
DAY 12
List 3 small changes you want to make in your life.
Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve spent some time exploring things in our lives that we want to change. Areas we feel held back or unclear about. Things that aren’t connecting between our heads and hearts.
Today, I want you to list three small changes you can make starting today that will impact your life in some way. Think small—really small. Don’t go overboard on this prompt—think of tiny things you can do.
Some examples:
- Do 1 pushup per day
- Floss your teeth before you brush
- Put $1 per week in a savings account
- Spend 1 minute per day focused on your breathing
- Smile at one stranger each day
- Say “I love you” to someone you love
- Send 1 thank you note
- Schedule 1 unplugged day per month
Whatever your list of three things looks like… it’s exactly right. There are no wrong answers to this prompt. Figure out what your three tiny changes are, write them down, and then add them to your schedule and task list.
DAY 13
Make a plan for one small change this month
Yesterday, we identified three small changes you want to make this month. Today, I want you to choose one of the items from that list and make an action plan.
Your action plan will include:
- What is the change?
- Why you want to make this change
- How often will you take action (daily is best)?
- What time will you take that action?
- Where will you be when the action happens?
- How will you hold yourself accountable each day?
Once you’ve written your plan, it’s time to create systems around it to help you succeed. For instance, you could set an alert on your phone to remind you to perform the task at a specific time during the day. You can also use your Google Home or Echo device to automatically remind you to do the task at a certain time each day.
How will you know if you’ve succeeded with your plan? Set a reminder on your calendar for 30 days from now to check in on your goal and be ready to give an honest accounting of how you’ve done.
DAY 14
What do you need to make more time for?
Where do you spend the most time? Each week, we all have the same 168 hours. When was the last time you did a time audit? Or maybe you’ve never done one. To do a time audit, you simply write down everything you spend time on during the day—sleeping, eating, working, family time, hobbies, surfing the internet, etc.
Once you see your week down on paper, you will have a better idea of how you spend your time and what you’re not spending time on.
Are there areas of your life that are being neglected? Or maybe there’s something you want to eliminate so that you can devote more time to something that’s not getting enough time.
Spend some time journaling today about what areas of your life you want to give more time to.
DAY 15
What decision would you make if you weren’t afraid?
Remember 2020? It was a crazy time for the whole world. Even though it’s been several years since the pandemic, in so many ways, it still feels like we’re living “through” it every day. I sometimes still get that feeling in my stomach that 2020 will haunt us for the rest of our lives.
What if you set aside the uncertainty of the past four years? Just set aside that fear of the unknown and the worry we have about what people think of your decisions? What if you just took one decisive step in the direction of your dream? What if you weren’t afraid to go after your dream?
What decision would that be? What step would you take first?
Have you heard the term BHAG?
BHAG stands for Big Hairy Audacious Goal, an idea from a book by James Collins and Jerry Porras. A BHAG is a long-term goal that changes the very nature of your existence.
What is your BHAG? Or if you’re not ready to define that massive goal, what one decision have you been making because you were afraid to move in that direction?
DAY 16
What activity restores your mental clarity?
When I stand at the edge of water – ocean, lake, river, or stream – I find my center again. My racing mind clears, the tension I perpetually hold in my shoulders releases, and my heart rate slows as I feel relaxed and whole again. I do my best journaling, goal-setting, and planning when I’m sitting in a beach chair with my toes tucked into the sand.
Do you have an activity like this that brings you peace and focus? Maybe it’s a bubble bath a walk in the woods, or getting down on the floor to play Lego with your little ones. What helps you forget your day’s worries and gives you a clear view of your goals, how to achieve them, and your exact next step?
How often do you do that activity? I know the answer is “not often enough” – but try to be specific. In an ideal world, how often would you schedule this into your life?
Spend some time journaling today about the actions you can take to bring more mental clarity to your life. What could you do with that gift of time and space?
Then… pull out your calendar and schedule it.
DAY 17
What clothing makes you feel powerful, alive & attractive?
We’ve all got that one thing in the closet that makes us feel amazing. When you put on those jeans, shirt, suit, or boots, you stand a little taller, feel more confident, and can’t stop checking the mirror. You look hot! You feel alive and powerful.
What is that piece of clothing? Describe it. Maybe even take a photo and paste it into your journal (while you’re wearing it and looking hot).
Can you pinpoint why that particular outfit makes you feel so good? Is it the color? The way it fits? Or maybe those feelings are tied to a particular event or memory.
Spend time journaling today about capturing that feeling you get with that outfit and extending it to other areas of your life. Can you rearrange your wardrobe to have more clothes that make you feel this good?
Are there other things in your life that bring you that same feeling? Maybe it’s a certain place you visit or a person you spend time with. Maybe it’s the car you drive or the journal you carry. How can you get more of that “alive” feeling in your life?
DAY 18
Name the people in your life that bring you joy.
Today’s journaling challenge will start with a list… as you’re making this list, think about the character traits that you love most about each person.
First, let’s understand the difference between joy and happiness.
Joy and happiness are both feelings but are very different. Joy is more consistent and is cultivated internally. It comes when you make peace with who you are, why you are and how you are, whereas happiness tends to be externally triggered and is based on other people, things, places, thoughts, and events.
So when you think of someone in your life who brings you joy – we’re talking about that deep feeling in your soul, at your core, that is an inner peace that fuels other emotions.
Who helps cultivate that inner feeling of joy? Who helps you be more like yourself and truly express the person you are meant to be.
Think about what that person brings to your relationship. Are there character traits the people on your list have that contribute to your inner peace and feeling of joy? Do they complement your own traits, mirror them, or give an opposite balance? Are there traits that a person has that you want to work on for yourself?
DAY 19
What are you making more complicated than it needs to be?
We all do it: overthinking, overanalyzing, doubting our next move, or making the process more cumbersome and complicated than it really needs to be.
Name the thing that you are making more complicated. Look it in the face, confront it. Write it down in your journal today and document what you’re doing right now that’s making it more complicated.
If it’s an activity with many steps, write down those steps in the order you’ve taken so far. If it’s an intellectual decision, write down all your thoughts about that thing. If it’s an emotional situation, relationship, or big life move… write down why what you’re doing to make things more difficult.
Now, look back at your list and start crossing things off that you could have avoided. If you’re overthinking a decision, could you have cut out two weeks of wavering and indecisiveness and already had the decision made and been done with this thing? Or maybe you would already have realized the project was a flop, and you were moving on to how to fix it and make it better the next time.
Let’s take decisive action today. Face that indecision, those unnecessary complications, the overthinking… and get it done today.
DAY 20
List 3 things you want to eliminate from your life.
Whether it’s a habit, toxic relationship, addiction, bad behavior, mindset, or attitude… there’s always something you’d like to eliminate from your life. Or at least reduce the presence of it in your life.
Before you dive into journaling, I want you to list at least three things you want to eliminate. Don’t edit yourself or overthink it; just write them down as they pop into your head.
Make that list now.
Once you have a list of at least three things, you’re only going to pick ONE of them. You’ll fail if you try to do too much at once, so focus on baby steps. What is the one item you want to set some actions around?
Re-write that thing and then start making a list of what actions you can take to minimize the effect that thing has over you. This could be a long process, so don’t try to do it all in one day. Over the next 30-90 days, consider what you can do to remove it from your daily routine or mindset. Once you have the action list, write down how you’ll tackle that first task on the list.
DAY 21
What tasks do you procrastinate on?
We all have that one task (or a dozen tasks) that stay on the to-do list and move from day to day, week to week, month to month. And yet, we still don’t have it checked off the list.
Maybe it’s cleaning your closet or garage, going through the lessons of a course you bought online, returning a call from a relative, or dealing with a toxic relationship or an emotional problem that you don’t want to face.
No matter what those tasks are, write them down today. Make a list. Spend some time today journaling about why you procrastinate about those things.
Then, choose one thing from the list and tackle it today.
DAY 22
Describe the last time you overcame a challenge.
Don’t you love that feeling when you finally conquer something challenging? Something you’ve worked hard at and overcame the fear of trying or put in the hours it took to finish.
Spend time today journaling about that challenge and the steps you took to overcome it. Maybe you’re in the middle of that process right now, and you can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
How often do you face hard challenges? Do you have a system for overcoming them? Do you procrastinate about them, or do you face them head-on and get the job done quickly?
What’s the next challenge on the list that you plan to tackle? Describe the steps you’ll take to overcome it and how you’ll feel when it’s done.
Share with the group when you finish your journaling for today.
DAY 23
Have you experienced a mind shift recently?
Think about the past several months and your experiences in the world today. Has something caused you to have an adjustment in your thinking, your attitude, or the way you look at the people around you?
Maybe the unrest in the world today is causing you to see things in a different light. It could be about the pandemic, politics, social justice issues, or something new you’ve discovered about yourself recently. Has something happened to you that made you look at your life differently? Have you discovered something new that you didn’t know before?
Spend some time today journaling about how you’ve changed in the past several months and how that’s changed how you think about your life and community. Have you resolved to make changes because of this mindset shift?
DAY 24
Who do you want to be more like?
Is there someone in your life …. or someone in the world that you might not know personally … that you would like to be more like? Someone whose character you admire or achievements you want to match. Someone who inspires you to be a better person?
Spend some time today journaling about that special someone and what makes them the type of person you want to model your own life after. Describe their personality, their characteristics, life work, or other reasons that make them an inspiration to you.
Now, think about your own life. Is there someone who looks up to you in that same way? Someone who watches your every move and tries to live their life more like you? Maybe it’s a child or niece/nephew, or maybe it’s a friend or co-worker. How can you be a better role model for that person in your life?
What characteristics can you take from the person you admire and become more like that for someone who looks up to you? What small steps can you take today to make the changes you want to see?
DAY 25
What parts of yourself do you hide from others?
Is there something you don’t like to share with the people in your life? A secret you’ve never told anyone? Is there something in your past that makes you feel ashamed or embarrassed?
Write down those things (use a secret code if you’re afraid someone will read your journal and you’re not ready to reveal these secrets yet). Spend some time today journaling about why you choose to hide those parts of your life. What do you think would happen if you revealed them? What would it take to actually confide those things in a trusted friend or family member?
Can you take steps today to be more open and transparent in these areas? How does it affect you to hold these things inside? How can you grow through these fears, and what would it take to feel comfortable sharing them?
DAY 26
What do you want to see changed in the world today?
If you had magical powers and could change ANYTHING in the world today, what would it be? How would you make a difference in the world with this wish? Who would it touch, and how would that change make a difference in your own life?
Spend some time journaling about that magical wish and what the world might look like after you’ve wished the change into being.
Now, take a step back from your journal and think about all the steps it would take actually to make that change a reality. What would be the very first task toward realizing that goal?
For instance, if your magical wish is World Peace, think about what actions you could take in your own household, neighborhood, or community to bring more peace to your area. Could you volunteer for an organization working toward this goal? Could you be the mediator between two quarreling friends to help them reconcile their relationship and find peace again? Could you forgive a family member (or ask for forgiveness) for a misunderstanding or hard feelings?
Once you identify that one small task toward the big magical wish… put it on your task list and do it.
DAY 27
What cause are you passionate about?
Is there something you have a great passion for? Would you work day and night on a project without getting paid or recognized for your work simply because you have such passion for the cause that you want to do everything you can to help however you can?
Spend time today journaling about that cause. Describe what makes this cause so important to you, how it has affected your life, and what it means to be a part of the solution. Do you spend as much time working toward that solution as you’d like? How could you carve out more time?
Are there others in your friend circle or family who share your passion? How do you work together to make progress? Is there something more you could do as a team?
Write down the names of friends or family members who share your passion for this cause or people you think might be interested in joining the fight. Be sure to write down their contact information, too. The task for today is to call or email one of the people on that list and ask them to join you in your quest to make a difference.
DAY 28
What is keeping you from making the changes you want?
In the past month, you’ve been journaling about the changes you want to make, the big plans you have for your life, the causes you want to support, and the people you want to have in your life. It’s time to take action.
What is keeping you from making those changes? Are you afraid? Do you lack the tools you need? Do you need support from people in your life? Are you worried about what others might think of you? Spend time today journaling about what is holding you back from becoming your best self.
Once you’ve written down the things holding you back, draw a line through each one to signify that you won’t let those obstacles stand in your way anymore.
Write down all the reasons why you’re strong enough, have enough courage, possess all the tools and talents you need, and have the support of the only person who matters (yourself). Write down why you’ll overcome those obstacles and what your first step is going to be.
DAY 29
I can do hard things.
Today’s journaling assignment is simple. Write this quote at the top of the page, then journal about what it means to you.
What challenges are you facing? What proof do you have that you can do hard things? What’s your track record? Even if you don’t know how you’ll get those things done, you know you can do all the hard things you set your mind to.
DAY 30
Name one change you’ll make.
Name the one change you will make based on your journaling this month. What change can you make today that will help you grow? Remember the quote we used at the beginning of the month:
Change is the heartbeat of growth.
Without change, you can’t grow. But we also know you can’t grow without facing your fear of change. I look that fear in the face and say, “Get out of my way.” Look fear in the face and do what you know you’re capable of doing.
Spend time today journaling about the small change you plan to make. Then, create an action plan for the next month. What small thing will you do each day that will help you realize a big change in 30 days?
Then, pull out your planner and make an appointment with yourself for a month from now. Check in on that small action you’re taking to find out how far you’ve come. Then set another appointment for three months, six months, or a year from now. Keep checking in with yourself as you continue on this path of growth.